Partnership Capital with PCG:

Why, What, and How 


Why Partnership Capital at all? 

If you are an owner, your hard work built an enterprise, one brick at a time. You know and have lived 1+1=2. This is the math of hard-earning owners who create value. 

Partnership capital emerges in an enterprise when distinct strengths are interdependently committed in trusted relationship toward a unified goal through a clear and well-executed strategy. This releases a new synergy that sparks possibilities and transforms businesses.  

Partnership capital transforms additive value into exponential value: 1+1=5.  

We believe we have discovered how to make the exponential math of partnership capital work for trustworthy owners in partnership with us. 

Why Build Partnership Capital with PCG? 

  1. You value what we value (see our values). 

  2. You have (or want to have) vision for extraordinary value in your enterprise. 

  3. You desire true partnership to discover and achieve that vision. 

  4. You have enough starting trust to begin a relational, trust building process.  

We invest in relationship first. We’ve designed this principle into a partnership fitting and building process. We believe this approach serves owners to foster better holistic value creation, no matter where the process ends up. But before we get to that process, you need to know what we bring to the table. 


What Does PCG Bring into Our Partnerships? 

Intellectual Capital.

We bring 25+ years ownership experience organized into practically deployable intellectual capital and proven/refined in real enterprise ownership stories. We call this our Enterprise System™. 

Relational Capital

Our community of owners, advisor, and talent are rich in relational and human capital. We often discover synergies between those in our own trusted community. 

Financial Capital

Mere money is a commodity. Values-aligned money properly structured so that everyone wins is a craft. We discipline ourselves in that craft. 


All this is delivered through a carefully designed process and service model. When developed properly, in trust, this yields Partnership Capital



What Could Partnership with PCG Look Like More Tangibly for Your Enterprise? 


We have seen stories within our community of owners that unleash value by: 

  • Envisioning, designing and implementing a well-resourced strategy for growth  

  • Connecting you to strategic partners in our ecosystem 

  • Realigning capital structures and governance to unlock new possibilities 

  • Securing owner liquidity that empowers a bold move 

  • Navigating  family-owned business  

  • Executing a succession/exit plan  for owners 

  • Finding, attracting  and/or  keeping  key  talent 

  • Optimizing a team for a service-model 

  • Growing in financial intelligence and discipline  

  • Creating a  collaborative  learning/training platform within your enterprise  

  • Building and sparking  passion around  a healthy culture  

  • Among others   


Our Partnership Capital Building Process


Partnership is crafted and tested through a highly relational and staged trust-building process. True partnership builds incrementally as each person respects and offers what the other needs to gain trust. 

We like to ground our thought in the metaphor of yoking and training animals to pull together. 

  • Fitting the Pullers – Do we fit each other? We offer our values, vision, and goals, feeling out one another for the shape-potential for an aligned partnership. 

  • Designing the Yoke – Can we pull together well? We envision and test a unified strategy based on interdependent strengths, expectations and roles. 

  • Forming the Yoke – How strong can we make the yoke? We clarify commitments and terms of the partnership. 

  • Fastening the Yoke – What’s the best way to tie-in together? We legally structure and formalize the partnership. 

  • Bettering the Partnership – How can we continue to be most valuable to one another? We iteratively think, execute, and account on the partnership. 

We commit to making this process valuable for the owner-entrepreneurs we meet, even if it doesn’t end in partnership.