Rooted in Trust
We are a story of trusted relationships.
Today’s Performance Capital Group formed through an intergenerational relationship between two families.
Our Story.
Our founder, Sam Frowine has been a business owner since 1980. He established The Performance Group (1995) to be a trusted owner-advisor, and he has ridden the waves of the economy with his owners for nearly three decades. In 2004, Sam established Performance Capital Group to advise owners in buying, selling, succeeding, merging and acquiring.
Andy Muhich is a missions pastor turned private enterprise investor who was raised in an entrepreneurial family. In 2005, Sam became Andy’s mentor through their church community. Andy now co-leads their family business with his father John, managing private enterprise, non-profit partnerships and developing their vision.
Amidst Andy’s and Sam’s deep life journey together, they recognized an opportunity. In 2019, Andy committed to being an investor alongside PCG within their shared ecosystem. Together they are developing this ecosystem and crafting a private investing model especially designed to build free enterprise through partnership with owners.
We are redefining value creation within a community of owners living out shared values.
Our Value-set
We Serve Owner-Entrepreneurs upon Free Enterprise.
We believe that human enterprise, free to creatively cultivate opportunity, is the greatest platform for value creation in the world. Owners are the leaders who unlock this value.
We Design Enterprise to Create Holistic Value.
True enterprise value is not merely financial. Its holistic value is its net generation of material, spiritual, social, and environmental value. Enterprises must be creatively designed to work for this common good.
We Live in Trusted Relationships.
Trust believes this other person wants what is best not just for me, but for my family and the world. “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, their companion can lift them up.”
We Cultivate Unity, Interdependence, and Commitment toward a Vision.
A community of trust empowers vision for new value creation. When partnership roles and resources are properly designed and committed toward that vision, new value is realized.
We Strive for Excellence.
Excellence is built through an iterative cycle of intellectual rigor (think), disciplined execution (execute), and honest evaluation (account).
For PCG, these are not just nice sounding words on a page. Ask our community. Our owner relationships will attest that we live out these values.
Our Motives and Model
Many of the owners we meet seem laden with mistrust toward external capital. But entrepreneurs and capital need one another in order to unlock the extraordinary value potential in their relationship. To our owners, capital firms represent conflicts of interest, at best, or exploitation, at worst.
We believe that at best, when the motive of these firms may be aligned, many are still operating within a model that is not designed for aligned partnership. So, we were led to found a private investment enterprise with a motive and model designed to partner with trustworthy owners.
Our Motive.
First, we consistently live out our values within a community that shares them (for these values, see above). Then, we build trusted relationships with our capital sources. We and our community rigorously test our capital’s alignment to these values. PCG does not yoke ourselves to capital with misaligned motives, and our larger community helps to ensure this.
Our Model.
We do not burden ourselves with the prior interests, mandates, and timetables of a “blind” capital fund and then try to force a partnership into this mold. We craft each partnership with great care. Though distinct, these enterprises still belong to a larger “family of enterprises” within our portfolio, and an even larger community ecosystem.